Nichimen Orimono 100% cotton
Whether it's with water cleansing, cleansing lotion, removing nail polish, or wiping your face after washing it... Cotton is essential for your daily "cleansing" care.♪ An airy cotton sheet is is the best cotton possible for that sort of "cleansing girl"! This sturdy sheet won't tear even if it gets wet, and it keeps itself from getting fuzzy, so it's stress free. You can care for your whole face with a single super large sheet.
Put a sufficient amount of cleanser or cleansing lotion onto the sheet. If you use it around your nose or eyes by folding the corners, you can take care of even finer spots. Even though you want to change the towel every day after washing your face, you end up using it over and over again. Are you okay with doing that to your freshly washed beautiful skin? A cotton sheet should be used. Just gently place it on your skin and press down softly. Gently remove any moisture!